Terror in Nairobi

I have a deep love in my heart for Nairobi, Kenya and its indigenous people. It was one of the cities I spent time in on my first trip to the Motherland back in 1985. The people were warm,  friendly and humble. Most of the people I met would not be able to afford to […]

No to war a Syrian war or whatever…

It looks like President Obama may have dodged the bullet – both literally and figuratively. When you dare someone to cross a line – even a red line for use of chemical weapons – a lot of invisible hands start working on all sides to see who’s gonna crack. Since Russia has a dog in […]

Four Little Girls

Sunday morning, September 15, 1963. Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, Birmingham Alabama. The Klu Klux Klan made it unequivocally clear that our children were not going to be spared in the war to maintain white supremacy, that our churches would be targets of unmitigated hate. Everything that we  held sacred–our babies, our place of worship–would be […]