Jamala on NPR

I am a survivor of the rebellions in Kansas City in 1968. While this piece was recorded last week, I could already see a familiar pattern in aggressive policing  and decision-making by government authorities.  Today, the Missouri National Guard was ordered to Ferguson by Governor Nixon. In Kansas City, 5 black people were killed after the […]

Thousands out for Mike Brown Vigil

Let’s be real. You can’t keep heaping  injustice upon injustice on people and think they will stay calm and in control. Mike Brown, a young black teen, was executed by Ferguson police with arms raised. What we are witnessing in the aftermath is a predictable human response. As part of the human chain that separated hundreds […]

Porch shooter guilty of Renisha McBride’s murder

Theodore Wafer was found guilty of murder in the death of 19 year old Renisha McBride. The Detroit jury found Wafer guilty of sescond degree murder.  Sentencing is August 21 when Water could face a maximum of life with the possibility of parole. Renisha’s parents were pleased with the verdict; her mom called Wafer a […]