We have to believe in our power – Mr. Charlies ice aint colder!
Every move we make must be calculated and in concert with others committed to stopping the rise of authoritarianism and the dismantling of civil and constitutional liberties.
Jamala is a long-time organizer, feminist and political strategist with deep roots in the Black Liberation Movement. She is a featured columnist for the award-winning St. Louis American newspaper, St. Louis’ largest black weekly. She is on the editorial board of BlackCommentator.com and is a featured contributor. Her columns also appear in the Capital City Hues (Madison, WI) and the LA Progressive. She has authored many articles for both local and national publications on issues that she is passionately involved in. Jamala is the author of The Best of the Way I See It, a compilation of her political writings over a 20-year period. She is also the author Ferguson is America: Roots of Rebellion.
Every move we make must be calculated and in concert with others committed to stopping the rise of authoritarianism and the dismantling of civil and constitutional liberties.
Gun violence landed on yet another school doorstep. The impact of lethal gun blasts from the 9mm used at Abundant Life Christian School was muffled by this country’s indifference and callousness.
Money can be a mover of people and ideas. We must pay attention to the dollars that we control because they really do influence the game of politics.
1 on 1 Meeting with Shameem Clark Hubbard (10th Ward Alderlady), Black History Month Edition – February 24, 2025
Monday @ St. Louis Artworks – 5959 Delmar Blvd., St,. Louis, MO, 63112
From 3:00- 5 PM | Join us to explore expungement options in the State of Missouri. Time to make your own history during Black History Month!
Are you ready to be more effective in making a difference in 2025? This workshop is designed to help you build the skills and strategies needed to elevate your impact and achieve meaningful change.