Poor black kids can and do learn

(Printed in the St. Louis American on May 8, 2014.) Open Letter to Dr. Kelvin Adams and the State Appointed Board Once again the St. Louis Public School district is at a crossroads. Yet, instead of reviewing evidence-based successful public school models in the country or listening to local stakeholders close to the issues of education, […]

U.S. post racial, you say?

          From my upcoming column in the St. Louis American: The Cliven Bundys and Donald Sterlings of the world also keep us grounded in the reality of whether or not America is in a post-racial period. While they represent very different economic strata, their opinions about blacks are not that far […]

When racism blinds your logic & your eyes

The actions of avowed racist Frazier Glenn Miller provokes memories of the hate killing of Vincent Chen back in 1982. Miller, once a KKK Grand Dragon, has a long history of hate acts against Blacks and Jews. Last week he was on the deadly prowl for Jews to kill. He ultimately gunned down a man […]