How the Third Reconstruction is playing out in St. Louis
Published in the St. Louis American, March 2, 2023 Peniel Joseph calls it the Third Reconstruction. His latest book of the same name chronicles the cyclical and violent white backlash to Black progress in this country. You can see the highly coordinated, racist strategy being carried out across the country now—just as it has […]
A class in prosecutorial corruption
Published in St. Louis American, January 17, 2023 The Honorable David C. Mason made the wise decision last month to allow Lamar Johnson’s hearing to be livestreamed. The world had a ring-side seat to the prosecutorial corruption that was rampant in the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s office during the crack-cocaine epidemic. This was a time […]
The Challenge of Reform Prosecutors to Change the Game
Published in, September 15, 2022 Black people have historically equated prosecutors with locking people up, and rightfully so. Prosecutors, district attorneys and circuit attorneys have almost single-handedly contributed to the swell of two million mainly Black people caged in America’s prisons. The handprints of the courts are all over the widening racial disparities of […]