Last of the Angola 3 released!

Albert Woodfox was freed today on his 69th birthday. He was the United States’ longest serving prisoner held in isolation. Nearly every day for more than half of his life, Albert Woodfox woke up in a cell the size of a parking space, surrounded by concrete and steel. There are still political prisoners languishing in […]

The rest of the Cally book tour

After returning from the California book tour, I had scant time to reflect and blog about it given the work on the ground in St. Louis and prepping for the Atlanta tour. I do need to give some shout-outs to those who made the Cally events happen and to the people who turned out. I […]

Beyonce’ in Formation for Israel?

Our racial justice movement must be savvy and go beyond the superficial. It may be hard to take ourselves serious in the U.S. but in other places there are real liberation struggles going on. Beyonce’s release of “Formation” and her Super Bowl performance is being touted by many as a real political statement. (And then […]