Our racial justice movement must be savvy and go beyond the superficial. It may be hard to take ourselves serious in the U.S. but in other places there are real liberation struggles going on. Beyonce’s release of “Formation” and her Super Bowl performance is being touted by many as a real political statement. (And then there was SNL’s “The Day Beyonce’ Turned Black.”) The high-rollin’ diva is being asked to support the Palestinian cause and not perform in Israel. Will Palestinian Lives Matter?
Nobody Wants to be a Public Servant
Police Chiefs and County Sheriffs across the country will tell you with a straight face that it’s the anti-police rhetoric that’s responsible for the precipitous drop in staffing and the inability to recruit. Milwaukee County recently pulled street patrol personnel and reassigned them to the courts. Dane County’s plan is moving ahead to expand its jail despite the disproportionate numbers of African Americans being housed.