Moving past the blame to unified action

Posted at the St. Louis American, August 27, 2015 “Everyone is crying out for peace, yes None is crying out for justice.” The above are lyrics from reggae artist Peter Tosh’s song “Equal Rights.” The song comes to mind when I hear families’ unspeakable pain after violence has taken a loved one. I would change […]

Full Circle

The young people on my book team suggested that we make provisions for purchasers of the book to also donate for a copy of the book for STL/Ferguson young protesters. I thought it was a great idea but was skeptical about what kind of response we would get. I was thoroughly elated when the first […]

Can we get serious about our struggle!

The recent attack on Dhoruba Bin Wahad suggests that the Black Liberation Movement must always be seeking ways to deal with principled disagreements. Brother Dhoruba is one of our most celebrated political prisoners–a Black Panther who spent nearly 20 years in U.S. captivity. We didn’t work for his freedom to have him subjected to this level […]