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Food Fast Workers United

Over the last few months, we have seen the public acts of workers rising up against their unlivable wages and intolerable working conditions.  Here are links to two articles I wrote about their struggle:

Fastfood rally_STL“Fast food workers are standing up and walking out” is the cover story for where I am a editorial board member.  My banner is “A View from the Battlefront.” 

“Birth of an organizer” is my column in the award-winning St. Louis American and focuses on Chipotle worker Patrick Leeper.

Overstand what these fast food workers are going thru when you roll up to the counter or window of a fast food worker. The total order will probably be more than what that worker makes in an hour. At Micky D’s, a Big Mac, large fries and a big Coke is about $8.50 depending on what part of the country you’re in. Mickey D workers make the federal minimum wage–about $7.25.


Also keep in mind…

  • This is a $200B industry that consumers have helped to create.
  • Most of these foods are low in nutritional value, high in calories, salt and sugar content.
  • Most of these fast food dens are concentrated in poor communities.
  • Workers are often forced to work free (off the clock and don’t get paid overtime).
  • Workers don’t get paid sick days and other benefits like healthcare.


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