Four Little Girls

Sunday morning, September 15, 1963. Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, Birmingham Alabama. The Klu Klux Klan made it unequivocally clear that our children were not going to be spared in the war to maintain white supremacy, that our churches would be targets of unmitigated hate. Everything that we  held sacred–our babies, our place of worship–would be violated that day.

Honor the memory of Addie Mae, Carole, Cynthia and Denise by fighting for the  dignity, lives and future of our children today.  Continue the struggle against racism and white supremacy.

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The Black Rep, in celebration and commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church, will present a staged reading of “Four Little Girls: Birmingham 1963,” by Christina M. Ham. The reading is Sunday, September 15 at 5 pm and will be held at the  Washington Tabernacle MB Church, 3200 Washington Boulevard.


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