Join the fast food workers

cant surviveJoin me today to support the growing movement to demand livable wages for fast food workers. The rally is today, July 30, from 4:3o-5:30 pm at Keiner Plaza, downtown St. Louis. You’ve heard their personal stories. I’ve written about their struggles. Now, we need to building the pressure on the fast food industry which is making billions off the sub-standard wages of these workers. St. Louis is part of the national media conversation so let’s represent!

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That One Innocent Sufferer Who’s Made to Suffer More

When the matter of wrongful convictions is discussed, you may hear the frequently cited theory by Sir William Blackstone: it is better that ten guilty people go free than one innocent person suffer. The English legal scholar formulated the theory in 1765 and it became the basis for the noble idea that one is innocent until proven guilty.

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