Kwame will hip hop to prison

Corruption in Detroit: Kwame Kilpatrick will hip hop to prison

kwame_kilpatrickKwame Malik Kilpatrick is probably the last black elected official Detroiters will put any faith in. A native son from a respected and politically connected family, the charismatic leader had a great future in public service ahead of him. That was until he became addictive to power and greed.

Recently Kwame (nicknamed the Hip Hop Mayor) was sentenced to 28 years in federal prison for his conviction of racketeering conspiracy, fraud, extortion and tax crimes–crimes against the people of Detroit who were already in dire straits when Kwame became the city’s youngest mayor in 2002. He served for mayor a little more than six years before having to resign in the midst of one of the biggest sex and corruption scandals the city had ever witnessed. This was the prelude to the big investigation by the feds. Corruption, murder, sex, infidelity–Kwame’s real-life actions could put TV’s “Scandal” to shame.



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