Are you ready for change?
Published by the St. Louis American, August 6, 2018 I have been thinking about the Ferguson Uprising a lot – the conditions that led to it, what lessons have been learned, where the region is going, where the country is headed. My reflections on the Ferguson Uprising anniversary are still being formulated. Some days that […]
We Must Defeat Bob McCulloch
The defeat of St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch is long overdue. As the highest-paid elected county official, McCulloch has used this office and taxpayers’ money to abuse his authority and avenge his father’s death. This prosecutor is an absolute barrier to achieving any meaningful reforms that project fairness for all citizens and restoring confidence […]
Let’s help Jennings pay up
Published in St. Louis American-October 23, 2016 Sometimes we get to see the demands from our protests lead to tangible outcomes, to receive the fruits of our labor. It can happen when our racial justice movement stays focused and actually fights until there’s a victory. That is exactly what has happened in the fight for […]