Did you really think that was the real Rachel Jeantel in the Seminole County courtroom. Subsequent interviews show her to be a bright and witty teen. Now Tom Joyner wants to give her a college scholarship. (Kudos to Joyner–this is what you do with the influence and wealth The People give you.) I hope Rachel becomes an attorney and kick some butt in the legal cesspool. But whatever she does with her life, she’ll do with gusto and purpose and tell all the naysayers…
Dear white people (letter #3)
I’ll never say I speak for all people of African descent or for other people of color. However. I’ve been in many spaces across the country since my last letter to you five years ago. I can say that there’s a lot of anger and outrage towards white people right about now. You are blamed for the deteriorating state of the country. The tolerance of most non-whites is low. We are sick and tired. Literally.