The Rink Rebooted

SkatesAt a time when racial tensions fill the St. Louis air, G. Whiz cut the air with a light-hearted but serious documentary on the history St. Louis skating. Local skaters and rollers convened at the Missouri History Museum to screen the sequel to The Rink,  The Rink Rebooted. A few of the St. Louis skate legends were in the house and fielded questions from the audience.

Some years ago when I saw The Rink, it was a real awakening. Growing up skating in Kansas City, I never knew the “Crazy Legs” was a St. Louis original technique. I just knew I loved watching long-legged brothas in locked arms, or sistah in backward duets–all rolling in perfect choreographed harmony.

Whiz will not sell copies of Reboot since he still has boxes of The Rink.  Ask him about getting a copy or two off his hand–email him at

Thank you, Whiz, for keeping the history of skating alive and well. Black folks have definitely made skating an art form!


Watch the Reboot trailer.

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