What if she’s for real?

What if Prosecuting Attorney Marilyn Mosby is serious about justice for Freddie Gray?

Marilyn MosbyLike most of the high ranking city officials in Baltimore, Mosby is African American. She comes from a police family and there was wide speculation that she was not up for the challenge. Today, she boldly announced charges against the six Baltimore cops involved in the murder of Freddie Gray. Those charges range from  second-degree murder to manslaughter to assault and misconduct in office.

The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) is asking for Mosby to step down and be replaced by an independent prosecutor. Yeah, just like we did here–asking St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch to step down because all of his family ties with the police. He refused and Governor Nixon, who had the power to remove him from the Darren Wilson case, also refused to replace him in the case. Subsequently, the Ferguson cop walked free and was not made criminally accountable for the death of young Mike Brown.

Could Mosby’s indictment of the cops responsible for the death of Freddie Gray be a ruse to quiet the angry voices in Baltimore? Is Mosby hoping that she can claim she did her part if a jury doesn’t convict? Is Mosby going to buck conventional, racist (unwritten) protocol and vigorously prosecute cops? On the job for a few mere months, does she have the backbone to stand up to the FOP?

What if Prosecutor Mosby is serious about justice for Freddie Gray? What if?


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