Political Campaigns are serious strategic operations
They also used to be fun and exciting…not anymore. The MAGA folks went into the Republican National Convention with a crazed fervor and have seized the political momentum once again.
They also used to be fun and exciting…not anymore. The MAGA folks went into the Republican National Convention with a crazed fervor and have seized the political momentum once again.
In a MAGA world, to be affiliated with Diversity, Inclusion and Equity is a crime and deserving of punishment. Monica Smith is the University of Wisconsin System’s latest casualty. For the chief diversity officer, her hiring was incredibly untimely.
The investigative series on the unsolved homicides by the St. Louis Police Department (SLPD) was revealing and confirming. St. Louis Public Radio, American Public Media and The Marshall Project joined forces to find out the reasons and presented their findings recently to the public.
Our time is better spent building a united front against fascism – We talk about the impending doom as if it won’t affect us or as if we have no power to change the course of political trajectory barreling towards authoritarianism.
The persistent problem of mass incarceration in the U.S. invokes the saying, “If you keep doing the same thing, you will get the same results.”
Let that reality set in for a minute maybe two – A rich, white man – no matter how vile and unethical – will not suffer the humiliation and injustice that poor and working class people have endured for generations
For many in the Black community, it can be incredibly challenging to discuss the topic of our overall health, especially mental health.
As information and the truth are forced through the filters of deception, manipulation, and bias, it has become increasingly difficult to know if what we read is fake or real.
In the initial attack by Hamas on Israel last fall by Hamas, reportedly 1200 Israeli citizens lost their lives, hundreds more were injured and hostages were taken. These violent acts were condemned by most of the world. However, what has unfolded since October 7 has literally rocked the world. The massive retaliation by Israel on Gaza would have not been possible without the $4 billion annually from the U.S. government. This fact has not been lost on students across the country.