Published by the Black Commentator - January 30, 2025
There’s an old Southern saying that has been passed down throughout the generations by Black folks that is vanishing from our cultural vernacular: Mr. Charlie’s ice is always colder. It is still a compact and descriptive explanation of internalized oppression. It comes out of the post-slavery period where Black men competed with whites in the ice delivery business. Some Black folks who bought from the white iceman allegedly believed that Mr. Charlie’s ice was colder than the Black iceman’s.
Far too many Black people have been conditioned over years to believe they have no individual power and therefore can never have collective power. This false narrative has had a negative impact on our approach to resistance from the days of the Underground Railroad until now. The myth is reinforced in many sophisticated ways and has permeated our psyche. It has us believing that resistance to our exploitation and oppression is futile. It is a dangerous and debilitating view that has a tremendous impact on our ability to mount a serious offensive for our liberation. It is a psychological obstacle that organizers routinely face in their basebuilding efforts to actualize material power. Significant transformative change is still possible in the non-revolutionary conditions we have in the U.S.
Three weapons in our arsenal that are under-utilized are our money, our vote/voice and our time. Their power must be maximized in 2025 if we stand any chance of beating back the current wave of fascism.
Our personal funds and tax dollars should be used to halt, shape and redirect policy and practices. Black people have long been trained to be consumers which over time has only continued our commodification. We often spend our money without filters; we buy what the media tells us to buy. This means megaprofits for the corporate predators and no economic power for us except as influencers to keep the exploitation going.
Since the November election that put a convicted felon in the White House, spontaneous and planned efforts are converging into selected boycotts of stores and products. The National Action Network, headed by Rev. Al Sharpton, is calling for a national boycott of companies that no longer support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion( DEI). It seems that Target and Walmart/Sam’s Club are rising to the top of the list. Rev. Al also suggested a “buy-cott” to support businesses that continue their DEI policies such as Costco’s. This is a good step in the left direction.
The other aspect of the money game is being hawkish about how the government spends our tax dollars. We have a right and a duty to say how our hard-earned tax dollars are spent. It’s irresponsible on our part to throw money into a big pot, then turn our backs on it without questions. We must hold our government accountable for spending. Trillions of dollars have been funneled into the military industrial complex so that the U.S. maintains its global economic and military dominance. This explains why human needs have been totally neglected at home, why the national infrastructure is in shambles and why the federal government has turned its back on relief from natural disasters.
Black people do not have the luxury of being complacent or reactionary. Every move we make must be calculated and in concert with others committed to stopping the rise of authoritarianism and the dismantling of civil and constitutional liberties. We cannot continue to be collateral damage in the U.S. ruling class’ conquest for power and territory.
Our targeted dollars, the amplification of our voices in the public square and at the ballot box are key elements of educating our people and expanding our influence. Voters must be informed about candidates and issues so that our self-interests are not left in the hands of our enemies. The vision for liberation and the strategy for achieving it must be put on an audio and visual loop. A reminder of our collective purpose.
A convicted felon is president of a deliberately divided country. He survived two impeachments, gave leadership to an insurrection and thumbed his nose at multiple criminal indictments and convictions. Still, he is not invincible.
The lie that Mr. Charlie’s ice is colder must be debunked before all that looks like true democracy is in a freeze. We must put some fire under all those who are aligning themselves with the devilish plans of Project 2025, regardless of their party affiliation or color. Harnessing our money, our voice and our time should mean consequences for them and advancement for us. We have to show these thugs our mighty power and bring on the heat.
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